Thursday, June 5, 2014

Dome Construction

Hi everyone! Trouble's got a guest blogger today... the Boss! Here's Dad's technical breakdown on how to replace the end caps with awesome aluminum domes like mine. Enjoy!

In order to make installation of the dome panels simple and foolproof, pre-drill them. Layout the holes after stacking the panels; align two edges and clamp. Drill one hole at the the corner of the two aligned corners, install a cleco, check the alignment and drill, then install a second cleco. Drill 4 or 5 more holes spaced evenly along the long edge, installing a cleco as each hole is drilled; then you can go back and drill all the intermediate holes along the long edge, installing a cleco after each hole is drilled. I spaced the holes 50 mm apart 20 mm in from the edge. Drill only two sides; the long side and the short end for now. 
Drilling set up.
Now you are ready to start installing the dome. The short end will line up square with the framing bow in the roof. The long side predrilled holes will be the guide for your holes in the next panel you install. After the foam blocks of insulation are in place, hold up the first panel and make sure it is level or parallel to the floor, if the trailer is not setting level. 
Starting the first panel.
Start with the installation of the new panel above the existing wall panels. Lap the first wall panel at least 30 mm; draw a line 30 mm down from the top edge on the wall panel; level or parallel to the floor. Using the pre-drilled first hole in the short end of the panel, drill only one hole in the roof channel when the edge of the new panel is on the line drawn on the existing wall panel, drill the second hole into the roof channel, insert a cleco, and you should be aligned with the floor and the framing bow in the trailer roof. If it is slightly out of square, go with the line on the wall panel parallel to the floor. Push the panel up against the foam insulation with your shoulder if your height allows; otherwise, use a step stool. Alternatively, have a friend help while drilling the second hole in the roof channel.  

You are now ready to start drilling the long edge holes, starting at the roof channel and progressing down toward the window one hole at a time. I was able to do this by myself, but it it five times faster to have a helper insert the clecos and help make sure you are in alignment. Drill one hole along the long side at a time and insert a cleco in EVERY HOLE as you go - it is imperative! Only drill one hole at a time with a cleco in each hole before drilling the next hole! Do not skip even one hole or the panel will not keep tight to the insulation. This is a lot easier than it sounds, believe me, and you will be happy and proud of the finished dome - guaranteed!
Overlapping panels one by one.
Pre-drilling and cleco's are a MUST. The clecos and the pliers to install them are available at online stores including Wicks and Aircraft Spruce. Be sure to shop around, the price can vary substantially.  I recommend you buy about 100 or so. It is amazing how fast they disappear as you put them in place. The reason for using so many is that I recommend not installing any rivets until all panels are in place. Another invaluable tool to have is the pneumatic rivet puller from Harbor Freight if you have a compressor. If doing extensive re-skinning, you should purchase the electric shears that look like an electric drill motor with scissors attached for about $45.00 on sale.They are all well worth the money in saving blisters and time. 

You can install about three panels and then remove every other cleco and move them ahead if you run short because you did not believe me when I recommend you should purchase 100. Be careful when doing that- things get out of alignment quickly. If you take the panels down for any reason (wiring not in place, etc.), be sure to number each panel in sequence. They will not fit even though the predrilled holes were used to drill each adjacent panel as it was installed. If you do take them down and they were put back up in sequence, you may have to use something like an ice pick and your shoulder pushing hard to get the holes to align again.

When ready to rivet, put ALL clecos in the two adjacent panels you are working on and only remove one at a time as you work from the top down to the windows and the rivets should slip into the aligned holes by hand. If still having difficulties, first try the ice pick and shoulder while wiggling the ice pick. Absence success, run the 1/8" drill through again.
Putting in the final rivets.

Monday, June 2, 2014

New Walls (Part 1)

Hey there! Since I've put up insulation, the next step are the interior aluminum panels. I entitled this Part 1 since there is going to be a part 2, maybe part 3, part 4.... Anywho... a short list of lessons learned so far, pictures, and a recap at the end:

1.  There is no such thing as a straight line in a vintage trailer. Forget that concept- it doesn't exist. Acceptance is the first step to construction.

2.  Invest in clecos. They are well worth it! Consider it an investment for your sanity.

3.  Measure fifty times... cut once. And cut the window openings etc. with an extra bit in your favor so you can trim it down.

4.  If you have long straight lines planned out, use a sheet metal shear if you have access to one. Another option is asking the supplier if they could cut down the sheet you are buying to specific lengths. Maxxmetals in San Carlos were very helpful with this and have a delivery service. Double win!

5.  Invest in tin snips for hand cutting metal. There's quite a selection available for left, right, and straight cuts, even 90 degree snips. (I feel a post just about tools is in the future.)

6.  Have a partner when planning, measuring, cutting, and riveting. Talk about what you want, how you're laying out the cut and rivet lines, how the lap is going to work, potential issues, what to look for, positioning of cut outs... everything. Ask lots of questions about each other's method and plan- this doesn't mean they are questioning your genius! It simply means you need to be paddling in the same direction or else you're up a creek. Four eyes are better than two.

Impossible without Clecos!
Cutting the Vista View windows.

Looking great!
Drilling rivet holes.
Wow!!  Look at that beautiful front dome!
Starting on the rear dome...
Getting there...
Completed rear dome!!
Future shower wall.
Putting the walls up has been a serious challenge and has involved some blood letting. I'll keep posting progress pictures as we keep moving forward. The domes are a complete post of their own... and I have a surprise! A technical, step by step breakdown of how to build your own awesome aluminum dome is on its way! Stay tuned...